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Eiendomsstafetten 2023

Vi stilte ikke med eget Gateway lag, men sendte likevel en representant for å delta på Eiendomstafetten 2023. Lagenes startkontigenter går ene og alene til å støtte arbeidet til Aktiv Mot Kreft som under stafetten fikk inn 140 000 kr. 70 lag og nesten 300 deltagere var med da vi sammen med Fredensborg Fritid vant stafetten og satte ny løyperekord. Mye god trening fra lagerarbeidet i Drammen!

Les hele artikkelen her: https://eiendomswatch.no/nyheter/article15741785.ece


Welded Pipe 914 x 6 mm ready for departure. Four length of pipes was an easy way to fill up a truck.

We have welded pipes up to size Ø600 at the wearhouse in Drammen, but we can allways go bigger on request !


hule rør_stalatube


At every level of its business, Stalatube operates responsibly. At the heart of everything they do lie trust, respect and honesty, which form the foundation for their sustainability. Stala Tube ethical and transparent business involves social responsibility, environmental responsibility, a safe and healthy workplace and the standardized quality of our products and operations. We are proud to be a partner that is worthy of trust and one that creates added value both for society and our entire cooperation network.


Stacked up

Due to the situation in Ukrain and the challenges in the supply chain, we’ve stacked up at the wharehouse.  Thats how we can make sure you get what you need, when you need it.